
Earth and Environmental Science at Acadia offers programs leading to B.Sc. degrees in Environmental Science, Geology and Environmental Geoscience, and M.Sc. degrees in Geology, Environmental Science and Applied Geomatics.

Departmental News

Congratulations to Amanda Smith, who has received a travel grant from the Mineralogical Association of Canada.

The first few weeks of classes have been jammed packed! A welcome barbecue, a trip to the Acadia Petrographic Lab, and first week of class activities are just a few of the ways we have welcomed the 2023/24 academic year.

Four enthusiastic students spent a week at the Gaelic College in St. Anns, Cape Breton Island, as the first part of the Geol 4083 field school course, mentored by course instructors Drs. Deanne van Rooyen and Sandra Barr, assisted by volunteer instructors Drs. Rob Raeside and Mo Snyder.