Thesis research in Earth and Environmental Science at Acadia University
In Earth and Environmental Science we place high value on the research work undertaken by our students. Students in the honours degrees typically spend a summer and the ensuing fall and winter terms working on their projects; graduate students usually have full year (or more) to complete their thesis research after completing their course work. In all cases, students work with a supervisor, present their findings at scientific conferences or similar venues, and defend their thesis before finishing.
The links below will take you to a list of work that is currently under way or has been done as theses in the past. Although much of the research has been done in Atlantic Canada, where our faculty have often conducted their own research, a perusal of these lists will show that our students have worked on every continent (except Antarctica) and in the ocean basins.
M.Sc theses completed in Environmental Science
M.Sc. theses completed in Geology
M.Sc. theses competed in Applied Geomatics
B.Sc. theses completed in Geology and Environmental Geoscience
B.Sc. theses completed in Environmental Science
Theses in progress at Acadia
Your BSc thesis at Acadia - detailed guidelines and helpful hints to get the honours thesis done.
Your MSc thesis at Acadia - detailed guidelines and helpful hints to get the graduate thesis done.
Theses locations across North America
Thesis locations in the Maritime Provinces
Detail of the Cape Breton Island area
Detail of the Eastern Nova Scotia area
Detail of the Minas Basin area
Detail of the Southwest Nova Scotia area
Detail of the Chignecto area
Detail of the Southwest New Brunswick area