tl_files/sites/ees/Images/essa/essa-banner.gifESSA -
The Association

ESSA is an association that provides a setting for environmentally-conscious people to gather together to share ideas, develop discussion, and most importantly, have a good time! ESSA promotes student-to-student mentorship and partnership within the Earth & Environmental Science Department. The pillar goals of ESSA are to host and/or promote events that encourage environmental stewardship, as well as advance an understanding of the natural world and issues associated with it.

The People

The Executive for 2023-24 is:

President: Hayley Newall
Vice-President: Megan Liengme
Secretary: Sarah Doyle
Treasurer: Rowan Norrad
Co-Event Planners: Lucy Boyne & Amanda Tracy
Social Media Manager: Savannah Francis
1st  Year Rep: TBD
2nd Year Rep: Hannah Hayes
3rd Year Rep: Annelies Yates
4th Year Rep: Dylan Walker
Student Rep: Hayley Newall

ESSA links: