Aaron Taylor
Dr. Aaron Taylor
- Office Location: HSH 333
- Phone: 902 670-2585
- Email: aaron.taylor@acadiau.ca
Aaron has been a professional archaeologist in Nova Scotia for over 10 years and can hold Category A, B and C permits. He has conducted archaeological research on both historical and pre-contact sites throughout the Maritimes and Cuba. Aaron has a passion for archaeology and teaching and has organized and taught field schools in Nova Scotia and Cuba.
- Honors B.A. Anthropology, Saint Mary’s University
- M.A. Historical Archaeology, Atlantic Canada Studies, Saint Mary’s University
- IDPhD, Pre-contact Archaeology, Dalhousie University
Scholarly Interests:
- peopling of the Maritimes,
- drowned landscapes,
- sea-level rise,
- settlement patterns,
- landscape archaeology.
- Trans-Atlantic slave trade in the Caribbean and Maritime provinces.