Undergrads rock at SIFT and Geoconvention

Well done Cam and Jesse

Acadia Geology was well represented at the Canadian Energy Geoscience Association (CEGA) student industry field trip (SIFT) this year, with 4th year students Cameron Greaves and Jesse Demaries-Smith in attendance. Cameron and Jesse experienced an intense 2-week crash course on the energy industry which included lectures in and around the University of Calgary, a field trip to Dinosaur Provincial Park, 4 days in the Rocky Mountains, and a highly competitive petroleum exploration game that was ultimately won by Jesse’s team.

Above: Cam and their group at their final presentation

Above: Jesse and their group holding their first place plaques!

Following SIFT, Cameron and Jesse represented Acadia at the CSEG geophysics challenge bowl at Geoconvention where they placed 2nd overall amongst a group of stiff competition that included PhD and MSc students. Way to go Jesse and Cam!

Above: Cam and Jesse representing Acadia at the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists National Challenge Bowl

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