Field trips all round!
Rocks in the wild...
The igneous petrology class with Professor Sandra Barr spent Wednesday afternoon visiting outcrops of South Mountain Batholith – 6 stops within 45 minutes of Wolfville and no two the same granite! Here is the crew examining an outcrop in Gaspereau Lake.
The first year introductory geology class with Dr. Deanne van Rooyen and Dr. Chris White visited the beach at Ross Creek to look at the North Mountain Basalt. Here they are looking at the contact between the basalt and overlying Scott’s Bay Formation limestone.
GEOL1013 students sketching the cove! Students found amethyst, agate, and jasper on the beach, along with lovely zeolite minerals.
The Senior Field School took place at the end of August in lovely Cape Breton Island. Students mapped coastlines and brooks and enjoyed sunny weather! Here students are working in Goose Cove brook.