New equipment in the Petrographic Lab
It has been an exciting year in the old rock room. Two sizable donations totaling $105,000.00 had been gifted to ‘equipment purchases in Earth and Environmental Science’ through the Campaign for Acadia. We are most grateful to alumni Catharine Farrow and Sandra Barr. A ceremony to thank them had been planned for May but sadly, due to Covid-19, had to be postponed.
Using the donations as well as income we earn making thin sections for external clients we were able to purchase an Accutom 100 for sawing and grinding as well as a Tegramin 30 for polishing, both from Struers. With new equipment coming it was the right time to freshen up the lab space. All the taps were replaced with ones having levered wrist control handles. Fresh paint was applied in room #27. All the fluorescent tubes in the ceiling lighting were replaced. The polishing room is now fully dedicated to polishing with the office component moving to room #44. These minor changes have made it a bright and welcoming space and the placement of the new equipment has generated a nice work flow. It has also given us the confidence to take on more external work with this current equipment and back up equipment still available for use. A Cit-O-Vac vacuum impregnation unit from Struers was also acquired and resides in the fume hood in room #44. Our next savings goal is for fume hood replacement in room #27.
Pam, APL technician and Caleb Grant, Masters student, with the Tegramin 30 Polishing machine
The new look inspired a new name. We are now the Acadia Petrographic Lab or APL. Changes were made to reflect this on the website and on all our forms used for ordering. The lab brings income to the department to support thin section services for Acadia faculty, masters and honors students. We make our own thin sections for teaching and the students can see the operation. One undergrad student per term can work, with pay, for 3 hours/week.
Pam with the Accutom 100 set up for grinding
If you are in the neighbourhood and have memories of working in ‘the rock room’, always wondered where the rock room was or are just curious, call or email us for a tour. We’d love to show you APL.