Acadia ALERT - Full Campus Closure Due to Weather

Today, February 16, 2024 at 2pm, Acadia University will close the entire campus, with the exception of residences and Wheelock Dining Hall, due to the forecasted weather. Wheelock Dining Hall may adjust their hours due to the weather and any change in hours will be communicated through Residence Life. The Acadia Athletic Complex, Vaughan Memorial Library, KC Irving Environmental Science Centre and the Manning Memorial Chapel will be closed in addition to the rest of the campus. Any events scheduled for today will be postponed or canceled.

The campus will remain closed until 12pm on Monday February 17, 2025. An update on campus conditions will be provided no later that 11am on Monday. Should conditions allow campus will reopen at 12pm.

Updates will be posted on and pre-recorded on Acadia’s Information Line: 902-585-4636 (585-INFO) and on 585 phone system voicemail. If you need emergency-related information, please contact the Department of Safety and Security by dialing 88 on all 585-phone systems, or by calling 902-585-1103.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Acadia University

Department of Safety & Security


(Sunday February 16, 2025 @ 12:59 pm)

Dr. Deanne van Rooyen

Associate Professor, Assistant Department Head

Earth and Environmental Science

Office location: HSH 325
Phone: 902-585-1163

Undergraduate advisor for BSc Geology and BSc Environmental Geoscience



My main research interests are metamorphic and structural geology and the tectonic evolution of orogenic belts with a focus on the interactions between accreted terranes and continental margins during collisional orogenesis. All my work follows a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of tectonic processes based on extensive field work augmented by laboratory techniques. While my work is broadly focussed on tectonic problems, the methods I use are heavily dependent on metamorphic petrology, structural geology, and geochronology as analytical tools that are critical in answering orogen-scale questions.

I have research projects in Cape Breton, mainland Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nunavik and Nunatsiavut. My major area of focus is the northern Appalachian system, but I also work in the Proterozoic New Quebec Orogen, and the adjacent Archean Core Zone. Many of my projects have a strong field geology aspect, and others are more laboratory based. The majority of the projects I have available have strong metamorphic and structural geology components, often coupled with geochronology, but I am always open to projects in related areas of geology depending on student interest. Projects are often built around skills that students wish to develop, or around tectonic questions that spark interest, so there are many different options for student work in my research program. Please get in touch about possible projects any time!


GEOL 2133 Mineralogy
GEOL 2043 Techniques in Petrology and Stratigraphy (with Drs. Barr and McMullin)
GEOL 3503 Metamorphic Geology
GEOL 4013 Global and North American Geology (with Dr. Barr)
GEOL 4038 Senior Field School (with Drs. Barr and Raeside)
GEOL 5633 Applied Structural Geology
GEOL 5533 Advanced Metamorphic Geology

Student Projects

Multiple projects available with themes in metamorphic petrology, geochronology, regional tectonics, and general Appalachian geology. I have lots of ongoing field and lab projects, get in touch any time!

Deanne van Rooyen picture

Recent Publications

Van Rooyen, D., Archibald, D., White, C.E., Everest, R.L., Ross, C.G. and Smit, M., 2024. New constraints on the timing and nature of metamorphism in the eastern Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada. In Press, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Van Rooyen, D., White, C.E., Barr, S.M., Sunatori, É., Grant, C.J. and Kucker, K.J., 2024. Ages and structural relationships in the Ganderian central Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia, Canada. In Press, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Hamilton, M.A., Alvaro, J.J., Barr, S.M., Jensen, S., Johnson, S.C., Palacios, T., van Rooyen, D., and White C.E. 2023. U-Pb zircon ages from tuffaceous beds in the Terreneuvian to Cambrian Series 2 sections of southern New Brunswick, Canada): New constraints on chronostratigraphic correlations and the Cambrian time scale. In: Supercontinents, Orogensis, and Magmatism; Geological Society, London, Special Publications 542, no. 1 (2024): SP542-2022.

Van Rooyen, D., Sappin, A-A., Corrigan, D., Rayner, N., and Houlé, M. 2023. The Corrugated Hills Flood Basalt: a 2.17 Ga continental flood basalt province in the Labrador Trough, Canada. In: In: Supercontinents, Orogensis, and Magmatism; Geological Society, London, Special Publications 542, no. 1 (2024): SP542-2023.

Barr, S.M., White, C.E., Palacios, T., Jensen, S., van Rooyen, D. and Crowley, J.L. 2023. Reply to the Discussion by Landing and Geyer on “The Terreneuvian MacCodrum Brook section, Mira terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada: age constraints from ash layers, organic-walled microfossils, and trace fossils”. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, e-first

Van Rooyen, D., Barr, S.M., White, C.E., and Crowley, J.L. 2023 U-Pb zircon ages from metasedimentary and plutonic rocks in the Bras d'Or terrane of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada: Insights into the Ediacaran-Cambrian tectonomagmatic evolution of Ganderia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60(5): 485-512.

Corrigan, D., and Van Rooyen, D. 2023, Paleoproterozoic Earth and the transition toward modern tectonic processes: A synopsis, in Whitmeyer, S.J., Williams, M.L., Kellett, D.A., and Tikoff, B., eds., Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent: Geological Society of America Memoir 220, p. 55–64,

Álvaro, J.J., Johnson, S.C., Barr, S.M., Jensen, S., Palacios, T., van Rooyen, D. and White, C.E., 2022. Unconformity-bounded rift sequences in Terreneuvian‒Miaolingian strata of the Caledonian Highlands, Atlantic Canada. GSA Bulletin

Barr, S.M., White, C.E., Palacios, T., Jensen, S., van Rooyen, D. and Crowley, J.L., 2022. The Terreneuvian MacCodrum Brook section, Mira terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada: age constraints from ash layers, organic-walled microfossils, and trace fossils. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 60 (3): 307–332

Van Rooyen, D. 2022. Looking Back to Move Forward: Why Scientific Societies Should Contribute to Making our Science an Equitable, Safe, and Inclusive Space. Geoscience Canada: Journal of the Geological Association of Canada/Geoscience Canada: journal de l’Association Géologique du Canada, 49(2), pp.53-58.

Pollock, J.C., Barr, S.M., van Rooyen, D., and White, C.E. 2022. Insights from Lu-Hf zircon isotopic data on the crustal evolution of Avalonia and Ganderia in the northern Appalachian orogen, in Kuiper, Y.D., Murphy, J.B., Nance, R.D., Strachan, R.A., and Thompson, M.D., eds., New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonian-Variscan Orogen: Geological Society of America Special Paper 554, p. 173–207,

White, C.E., Barr, S.M., Crowley, J.  van Rooyen, D., and MacHattie, T.G. 2022. U-Pb zircon ages from the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia, Canada: New contributions to understanding the Neoproterozoic geological history of Avalonia. in Kuiper, Y.D., Murphy, J.B., Nance, R.D., Strachan, R.A., and Thompson, M.D., eds., New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonian-Variscan Orogen: Geological Society of America Special Paper 554,

Corrigan, D., Van Rooyen, D., and Wodicka, N. 2021. Indenter tectonics in the Canadian Shield: A case study for Paleoproterozoic lower crustal flow, vertical axis rotation and lateral extrusion. Precambrian Research 355: Article 106083

Ducharme*, T.A., McFarlane. C, van Rooyen, D., and Corrigan, D.  2021. Petrogenesis of the peralkaline Flowers River Igneous Suite and its significance to the development of the southern Nain Batholith.  Geological Magazine, 10.1017/S0016756821000388

Gibson, D., Barr, S.M., van Rooyen, D., White, C.E. and Pilote J-L. 2021. Protracted intra- and inter pluton magmatism during the Acadian; evidence from new LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages from granitoid plutons, northwestern Maine, USA. Atlantic Geology 57: 147–19   

Barr, S. M., White, C. E., Jensen, S., Palacios, T., and van Rooyen, D. 2020. Ediacaran and Cambrian rocks on Scatarie Island and nearby Hay Island, Avalonian Mira terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Atlantic Geology, 56:257–279.

Sombini Dos Santos*, G., Barr, S.M., White, C.E., and Van Rooyen, D. 2020. The rapakivi-bearing Margaree pluton, Cape Breton Island, Canada: Evidence for a Late Devonian post-tectonic cryptic silicic-mafic magma chamber. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 57(9):1011–1029

Barr, S.M., Van Rooyen, D., Miller, B.V., White, C.E., and Johnson, S.C. 2019. Detrital zircon signatures in Precambrian - Paleozoic sedimentary units in southern New Brunswick – more pieces of the puzzle. Atlantic Geology 55:275–322 https://doi:10.4138/atlgeol.2019.010

Van Rooyen, D., Barr, S.M. and White, C.E. 2019. Geochronology of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian rocks of the Bras d’Or terrane on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia; implications for the age and provenance of Ganderian basement rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 56: 829–847 https://doi:10.1139/cjes-2018-0248

Johnson, S., Barr, S.M., White, C.E. and Van Rooyen, D. 2019. U-Pb (zircon) age, petrology, and tectonic setting of the Canaan River Granite, southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. Atlantic Geology 54: 389-408 https://doi:10.4138/atlgeol.2018.013

Barr, S.M., Van Rooyen, D., and White, C.E. 2018. Granitoid plutons in peri-Gondwanan terranes of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada: new U-Pb (zircon) age constraints. Atlantic Geology 54: 21-80

Corrigan, D., Wodicka, N., McFarlane, C., Lafrance, I., van Rooyen, D., Bandyayera, D. and Bilodeau, C. 2018. Lithotectonic framework of the Core Zone, Southeastern Churchill Province. Geoscience Canada 45: 1-24

Slaman, L.R.*, Barr, S.M., White, C.E. and Van Rooyen, D., 2017. Age and tectonic setting of granitoid plutons in the Chéticamp belt, western Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54: 88–109

Van Rooyen, D. and Carr, S.D. 2016b. 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology studies in the Thor-Odin – Pinnacles area, southeastern British Columbia: tectonic implications of cooling and exhumation patterns. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, doi:

Van Rooyen, D. and Carr, S.D. 2016a. Deconstructing the infrastructure: a complex history of diachronous metamorphism and deformation during the late Cretaceous to Eocene in the Thor-Odin – Pinnacles area of SE BC. Geoscience Canada, v.43, p. 103-122. doi: